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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Total-Nitrogen to Total-Protein conversion factor Wistar and Zucker rats 5.5 (5.45 to 5.55 (See Protein-Nitrogen to Total-Protein conversion factor for range basis).) grams of total-protein/grams of total-nitrogen 110394 Rafecas I. Whole-rat...
Changes in total nitrogen and protein nitrogen in normal and crown gall tissues Boston ivy Parthenocissus tricuspidata Table - link N/A 109265 Robson HH, Budd MA, Yost...
Amount of ATP regenerated by 1 gram of root tip in a day Corn Zea mays 5 grams 103405 Alain Pradet and Philippe...
Nitrogen to Protein conversion factor animal food sources average for beef, fish, chicken, eggs. 5.59 (5.33 to 5.85 (plus or minus two SD for combined reported sources)) grams of protein per gram of nitrogen 110395 Mariotti, Mirand. Converting...
Nitrogen to Protein conversion factor Fish 5.71 (5.39 to 5.98) grams of protein/gram of nitrogen 110392 Diniz GS, Barbarino E...
The net endogenous contribution of protein at the exit of the first 70 cm of small intestine during 3 hours Human Homo sapiens 3 grams 102112 Johansson C. Studies...